Friday, December 10, 2010
-Conrad Hilton began the Hilton hotel company.
-Always wanteed the good life and got it.
-Very complex man.
-Conrad wasd born on Christmas.
-His dad worked very hard.
-His dad loved work.
-Conrade would ride his pony to a one room school.
-Conrade's dad had a general store so he worked there once he could see over the counter.
-Conrade and his father would fight at times.
-His dad always wanted him to work with him and make his company soar.
-Conrade entered politics.
-"Politics were to slow and frustrating."
-His family loved music.
-Conrade opened a bank in his small town.
-The bank never was sucessful.
-His father was very open baring.
-Was sent to France for the war.
-He claimed he was a tad pole in an ocean.
-He was the first to bring a car to his town.
-Black gold then was making people milionairs over night.
-He always wanted to become a banker.
-He purchased t=his first hotel for $40,000.
-"Did for gold, or sqeeze money from every space availuble"
-"Minimum price for maximum service" was his first slogan.
-He was earning 100,000 a year.
-He married in 1925.
-He was all for business.
-Little time for family because he was making his dream.
-October 19th 1929 the depression hit.
-It effected Hilten greatly.
-He worked his hardest at this time.
-He never through bankrupcy.
-He had a "rock solid reputation."
-Guard your reputation.
-His wife filled for devorse.
-1940 he went to hollywood and bought a new very lexurious hotel.
-When people are fearful they don't make good decisions.
-One of America's most sucessful business men.
-His mom died at age 85.
-"The man who bought the walldorf.
-He bargen hard.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Melanie Houlker (Spa utopia Academy)
-School for design.
-Three domains hair design, message therapy and something else.
-Once you get out of your academy school you choose which spa utopia you want to work at.
-Wanted to be in the clothing design business.
-Didn't know what she really wanted to do.
-She needed to be steered in life.
-Went to school for 10 months studying hair design.
-First hair design job was very small.
-First pay check was $38.17.
-Hair design pay is based on commition.
-She got a new job at great clips.
-After two weeks she quite.
-Went to school at hollywodd north.
-Her teacher got her an actual good job.
-She worked there for about a year.
-She put 110% in everyday.
-Hard work pays off.
-Didn't leave her one job intill she got the new one.
-Master stylist at her new salon.
-Wanted to be an instructor.
-She's been at spa utopia for 7.5 years now.
-Started off there at the bottom like you will at almost every company.
-Just applied at a huge shampoo company.
-Hair dressing program is $12,000.
-You can get student loads in this foundation.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Persuaders
-Sales is every where.
-These desperate companies are all in a huge cluster of advertising.
-"Once your in the game you can't stop."
-"Become the atmosphere."
-Are world is filled up with advertisment.
-Can't stop advertising because once you stop your out.
-Business is business.
-"Does it go to the heart, or does it go to the head?"
-Brands become an inventation not just a brand.
-People are looking for meaning, and community.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
-12 years to develope post it notes.
-They could not figure out the glue that had to be used.
-He built a machine to make these sticky notes.
-The machine wouldnt fit threw his basement door so he knocked the wall out. That shows how much he believed in his product.
-If you have something thats good something good will happen.
The Uro club
-Wants to sell 51% of his company.
-Sold 3,000.
-Patend pended.
-Sold because he knows what the sharks could do with it.
Friday, December 3, 2010
College inc.
-Takes failing unversities and buys them.
-Never went to college.
-He was in the music business.
-In the music business he was into drugs and what not but now he's not because of the bible.
-"Economy is a bout knowledge."
-Economy goes down the education business goes up.
-He reinvented university.
-Universities were built near highways.
-Online education is crazy profitable.
-They all spend a lot on adds.
-Recruiters convince.
-The pressure to grow makes universities to focus more on enrolment then education.
-Recruters have to make atleast 150 a day for minimum.
-"Do anything to get a student to fill out a sign up sheet are jobs rely on it."
Thursday, December 2, 2010
pork Barrell Spice Rub
-Want to show how good they are by doing this with no government help.
-They took second place in best sauce.
-50k fpr 10%.
-Crowded market.
-Could be big.
-Sold 50k for 50% of the company.
Mr. Pontcho
-Out to sell the problem of tangled headphones.
-Make for 3$ and sell for 18$.
-They don't have a pattend.
-To premature.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Levi Giesbrecht
-He has various levels of business experience.
-What do YOU want to do?
-Always create a reson to do something thats good.
-Create reasons why to do something.
-Create something from nothing.
-Prosses on how an entrepreneurer works will always change.
-Running a business you'll have to lean to do many different things you've never done before.
-No matter how good you do in the business world you will have to sacrifise things. (friends/ family)
-Always lead the way with not only your business but for your employees.
-Real world is always changing.
-More relaxed you are the better you will be.
-Always put yourself as the customer to your product.
-Start planning before you start anything.
-Always write your plan down.
-Partner's can go either way from good or bad.
-Don't do something you don't like.
-Always know what the competion is doing so you can seperate yourself from the next.
-Always make good impressions.
-Read lot's so you don't make as many mistakes.
-Problem's aren't enemies they're an opportunity.
-Get a mentor. It becomes a copliment to them.
-Being in the loving people business.
-When you care about people they will notice.
-If you get into their feelings then you will suceed.
-Get people to love you.
-If your the boss you should be prepared to do the dirty jobs the lowest guy does.
-Create pleasure in the business for the employee.
-Most of your life will be at work so make it enjoyable.
-Business has to have fun in it to keep everyone going at top shape.
-Let go of some things so things don't work against you.
-Keep business as business and friendship as friendship.
-Stand corrected.
-Not heatly at all to be angry.
-To make money you have to count it and see where it all goes so you can keep track.
-Learn how to read a balance sheet and a financial statement.
-Keep your money or invest don't spend much money on this you won't get much back on.
-Don't try to make money try to do good at something and the money will come.
-Ask yourself sometimes if your on the right path.
-Business is an adventure.
-Little things make a difference.
-Know your why
-Don't be a me2
-Read biographies.
-Give more then what they expect.
-Stay humble.
-Create fun.
-Live within your needs.
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