Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mr. Bobble

-He satyed hard with what he wants.
-The guy doesnt seem to sure of his company.
-He tried for way to much.
-He was called greedy a lot.
-"If its difficult at the front its going to be difficult in the end."

Monday, November 29, 2010


-Teen's spent over 100 billion dollars last year.
-last year teen's got their parents to spend 50 billion dollars last year.
-"The world's made of marketing".
-"Teens run the economy now".
-Blizards of brands.
-You have to know what your taget market is thinking.
-Can't stop cool changing.
-Spite was selling a lifestyle with there marketing skills in the 90's.
-Sprite is now the fastest growing soft drink in the world.
-Sprite is a maketing genius.
-Teen market is 32 million people strong.
-Be different to stand out.

-They're working on selling to teens. The market for adults is down because of all the focus on teens.
-I believe its steering us as teen to do or be certain things.
-If you lower your target market then you gain more compition and customers.


-Acet welding program
-Baseball accademy
-Hockey accademy
-China trip, Mexico (build houses), Europe.
-Good plays.
-Impressive building

Sucess isn't a resting spot, its a journey

Triple S for sucess
free to suceed
Top notch ed

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ray Kroc (MD's)

-Started McDalds.
-Born in 1902.
-Mom made extra money teching piano lessons.
-Lived in western Chicago.
-Mom made sure the house was always spotless.
-Ray began with a lemonaid stand out front of his house.
-When he was a teenager he wasn't thinking of school he was thinking of ways to make money.
-He was almost 16 and he joined the red cross for the army.
-In 1919 he quite school for good.
-"Ray was a born salesmen."
-He knew the power of a first impression.
-He had a "sqicky clean" image and this was good for first impression's.
-Work was everything to Ray.
-At 37 years old he quite selling paper cups.
-MacDonalds was an imediate success.
-They cut there time from 20 minutes to 30 seconds.
-Sales shot up 40% in 3 years.
-Do less and get more.
-52 years old when he first heers about MacDonalds.
-1955 Ray opened his first MaDonalds.
-Ray had a goal of 1,000 MacDonalds across the U.S.A.
-In 1957 Ray fell inlove with another women.
-In broke up with his wife after 39 years of marrige.
-His second wife he had only dated the wife for 2 weeks.
-Hambuger university was a training center for MacDonalds.
-Make your contracts clear.*
-MacDonalds always had very fuzy and heart warming adds.
-It was the first restraunt to go plublic on the stalk market.
-Payed for a baseball team in cash.
-Always was for value.
-1984 Ray was 81 years old he died of heart failure.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Robert Kysoki (Rich Dad Poor Dad)

-Rich dad made no money and his poor dad made lots of money.
-Socialist (equal), Capitalist. (unequal)
-His book sold over 26 million copies world wide.
-As a capitalist you don't make money.
-Dog eat dog world.
-I your a wimp you get shot down.
-Money is just a game to him and to others money is survival.
-The money game is the best game in the world.
-Education is the most important thing in life.
-Financial education is key.
-Make money in big business and hold money in realistate.
-Lost 4 business's in his life time but has gotten smarter every time.
-Asset it puts money into your pocket.
-Liability take money out of your pocket.
-Assets are more important then liabilities.
-Education is the most important investment anyone can make.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Negotiation (element bars)

-He makes energy bars that dont make you crash.
-Company sells 50,000 dollars a year but he rates his company at 1 million dollars.
-He got two offers that are totally different then he first offer. but he holds strong and and believe's in his business.
-You can always counter offer.
-Never take no as actually no.
-The first person to mention price looses.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Class Business's

Garage sale boys.
-Sell random item's to people on the streets.
-$500 sales.

Redline performance.
-Get parts for cost and sell for more.
-Profit of $415.

-Sold random items to people.
-Made $282.

Egg-Zima Eggs.
-Sold eggs from there chickens.

-Did peoples nails

-put up christmas lights for the elderly.

Gutter boys.
-cleaned out gutters for cash.

-Sold and fixed computers

-Ran aaron's for people who called in.
-Sell roses for charity.

If you use the people around you it can help out a ton.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Your own problems and solutions

-All the dumb parents in the morning who dont know how to drive in the school parking lot.
Solution- Have two seperate lanes. One for driving out and one for picking up/ droping off.

-The constrution all around the school which causes a huge traffic mess.
Solution- They could do all the work around here in the summer before school. Or they can do their work after school is out.

-All the people on the highway that are in the fast lane but go the same speed as the people in the slow lane.
Solution- They should enforce the fast lane as just a passing lane more.

-The old people driving that pretty much can't anymore.
Solution- Once you reach a certain age you have to take another road test.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


-China is dominated the production of almost everything now.
-Soon we will see pretty much everything will be built in China.
-They're more "western" developed now in there production.

-Always have something that people will rememeber when they leave in your store.
-There is so much clutter on the market so you have to make yourself unique.
To make people know about your brand you have to do something that your compeditors arn't doing.

-Im a very compeditive person when it comes to sports.
-I like to work hard and ern myself lots of money to get ahead of others.

-I want to famous for my prestigious houses I build.

-Ralf Liftshitz changed hes name to Ralfe Lauren so it wouldnt sounds bad for his brand name.
What is personal branding?
What do you do?
Who are you?
What makes you different?

What a personal brand does?
You are different.
You are supirior.
You are authentic.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Seth Godin "Everything is Broken"

-If he thinks its broken its broken.
-There are tons of things that just don't add up.
-Some shoes arn't meant for comfort (what shoes are supossed to be used for) its used for looks.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Seth Godin

-Sliced bread invented in 1910 for the first 15 years no one wanted it.
-Ideas that spread win.
-Tv made marketing easy.
-Coke Japan comes out with a new product every three weeks.
-There is now less time but more choices.
-To sell something it has to be remarkable. "Its worth making a remark about."
-It has to be unique.
-To be unique means you stand out.
-Is it remarkable?
-Design rules.
-Safe is risky cuz everybody's doing it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Home Depot

-Every 43 hours a new home depot is built.
-"Agent Orange"
-They thought of the plan in a coffee shop.
-"If you can't make money it won't work out well."
-Athur's dad died when he was 15 of a heart attack.
-1978 Home depot was born.
-Ken Lagone was a major part of the starting of Home Depot.
-Ken Lagone was also a major investor in Handy Dan.
-Bernie Arthur And Ken started Home Depot.
-Ross Bero spent 2 million dollars to own 70% of Home Depot.
-June 22nd Home Depot opened.
-They slowly built up customers.
-Customers told people about it which drew in other customers.
-Athur was the money guy and Bernie was the hands on customers helper guy.
-In Home Depot's first year it had lost over 1 milllion dollars.
-By the end of year two it had almost mad a million dollars.
-"We were the evolution."
-It grew faster the Walmart.
-1984 it was on the stolk market for the first time.
-1986 Home depot toped 1 billion dollars.
-Home Depot sponsered the olympics.
-Arthur Blank 1.3 billion.
-Burnie Markus 1.6 billion.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Important facts for Business

Never stop after failure.
Jump at opportunities.
Know what you want.
Don't do it for the money.
Stick to your goals.
Use your network.
Have a back up plan.
Don't burn bridges.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hedgehog Concept

A hedgehod concept is for either a personb or a company of some sort that finds something that they are the best at and they just focus on doing that the best always and to make it they're main thing.

My headgehog concept
-Im close to the top at laying down mdf in the school.
Chilliwack's headgehog concept
-Chilliwack is known for our farming and are corn.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kevin O'Leary

-He believes he's the merchant of truth.
-Grew up in Montreal.
-He was grew up in middle class.
-Moved around a lot around the world.
-His dad made him what he is.
-First job was magoo icecream.
-He was fired when he was a kid and that was the last time he ever worked for anyone.
-He's on the show named "Dragon's dead".
-"Money rules my life and im ok with it."

Brett Wilson

-From Saskatwenan
-Loves Canadian art.
-He has great brain power.
-He got devorsed on the same day he found out he had cancer.
-He sacrifised family for wealth.
-"Wealth can create opportunities to change someones life".
-Sucess is based on happiness.

Jim Treliving

-Has always been busy.
-He's an ex-cop.
-Dad ran a business as a barber.
-Joined the RCMP at age 19.
-He's dad was very careful with his money.
-Worked very hard at the begining of the Boston Pizza.
-Lives in Vancouver.
-The harder he worked the more sucessful he got.

Arlene Dickinson

-Very heart felt person.
-To make money you earn it.
-Owns three holms.
-Grew up very poor.
-Had actually no money.
-Very good at marketing.

Robert Herjavec

-Computer security service is he's job.
-"You are shaped by your experiences".
-Auntie and Uncle raised him.
-Poor financially.
-Was very loved as he was growing up.
-Dad went to jail a lot.

   I learn't that the people on Dragon's Den have very different personalities. They probably all don't like eachother in real life because they all have different views on life or happiness. I also learn't that everyone is different and that people all want different things. People are happy in all there different ways.

   I'm going to find out what my view on happiness and to set my goal to it.