Tuesday, November 16, 2010


-China is dominated the production of almost everything now.
-Soon we will see pretty much everything will be built in China.
-They're more "western" developed now in there production.

-Always have something that people will rememeber when they leave in your store.
-There is so much clutter on the market so you have to make yourself unique.
To make people know about your brand you have to do something that your compeditors arn't doing.

-Im a very compeditive person when it comes to sports.
-I like to work hard and ern myself lots of money to get ahead of others.

-I want to famous for my prestigious houses I build.

-Ralf Liftshitz changed hes name to Ralfe Lauren so it wouldnt sounds bad for his brand name.
What is personal branding?
What do you do?
Who are you?
What makes you different?

What a personal brand does?
You are different.
You are supirior.
You are authentic.

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