Friday, December 10, 2010


-Conrad Hilton began the Hilton hotel company.
-Always wanteed the good life and got it.
-Very complex man.
-Conrad wasd born on Christmas.
-His dad worked very hard.
-His dad loved work.
-Conrade would ride his pony to a one room school.
-Conrade's dad had a general store so he worked there once he could see over the counter.
-Conrade and his father would fight at times.
-His dad always wanted him to work with him and make his company soar.
-Conrade entered politics.
-"Politics were to slow and frustrating."
-His family loved music.
-Conrade opened a bank in his small town.
-The bank never was sucessful.
-His father was very open baring.
-Was sent to France for the war.
-He claimed he was a tad pole in an ocean.
-He was the first to bring a car to his town.
-Black gold then was making people milionairs over night.
-He always wanted to become a banker.
-He purchased t=his first hotel for $40,000.
-"Did for gold, or sqeeze money from every space availuble"
-"Minimum price for maximum service" was his first slogan.
-He was earning 100,000 a year.
-He married in 1925.
-He was all for business.
-Little time for family because he was making his dream.
-October 19th 1929 the depression hit.
-It effected Hilten greatly.
-He worked his hardest at this time.
-He never through bankrupcy.
-He had a "rock solid reputation."
-Guard your reputation.
-His wife filled for devorse.
-1940 he went to hollywood and bought a new very lexurious hotel.
-When people are fearful they don't make good decisions.
-One of America's most sucessful business men.
-His mom died at age 85.
-"The man who bought the walldorf.
-He bargen hard.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Melanie Houlker (Spa utopia Academy)

-School for design.
-Three domains hair design, message therapy and something else.
-Once you get out of your academy school you choose which spa utopia you want to work at.
-Wanted to be in the clothing design business.
-Didn't know what she really wanted to do.
-She needed to be steered in life.
-Went to school for 10 months studying hair design.
-First hair design job was very small.
-First pay check was $38.17.
-Hair design pay is based on commition.
-She got a new job at great clips.
-After two weeks she quite.
-Went to school at hollywodd north.
-Her teacher got her an actual good job.
-She worked there for about a year.
-She put 110% in everyday.
-Hard work pays off.
-Didn't leave her one job intill she got the new one.
-Master stylist at her new salon.
-Wanted to be an instructor.
-She's been at spa utopia for 7.5 years now.
-Started off there at the bottom like you will at almost every company.
-Just applied at a huge shampoo company.
-Hair dressing program is $12,000.
-You can get student loads in this foundation.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The Persuaders

-Sales is every where.
-These desperate companies are all in a huge cluster of advertising.
-"Once your in the game you can't stop."
-"Become the atmosphere."
-Are world is filled up with advertisment.
-Can't stop advertising because once you stop your out.
-Business is business.
-"Does it go to the heart, or does it go to the head?"
-Brands become an inventation not just a brand.
-People are looking for meaning, and community.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


-12 years to develope post it notes.
-They could not figure out the glue that had to be used.
-He built a machine to make these sticky notes.
-The machine wouldnt fit threw his basement door so he knocked the wall out. That shows how much he believed in his product.
-If you have something thats good something good will happen.

The Uro club

-Wants to sell 51% of his company.
-Sold 3,000.
-Patend pended.
-Sold because he knows what the sharks could do with it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

College inc.

-Takes failing unversities and buys them.
-Never went to college.
-He was in the music business.
-In the music business he was into drugs and what not but now he's not because of the bible.
-"Economy is a bout knowledge."
-Economy goes down the education business goes up.
-He reinvented university.
-Universities were built near highways.
-Online education is crazy profitable.
-They all spend a lot on adds.
-Recruiters convince.
-The pressure to grow makes universities to focus more on enrolment then education.
-Recruters have to make atleast 150 a day for minimum.
-"Do anything to get a student to fill out a sign up sheet are jobs rely on it."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

pork Barrell Spice Rub

-Want to show how good they are by doing this with no government help.
-They took second place in best sauce.
-50k fpr 10%.
-Crowded market.
-Could be big.
-Sold 50k for 50% of the company.

Mr. Pontcho

-Out to sell the problem of tangled headphones.
-Make for 3$ and sell for 18$.
-They don't have a pattend.
-To premature.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Levi Giesbrecht

-He has various levels of business experience.
-What do YOU want to do?
-Always create a reson to do something thats good.
-Create reasons why to do something.
-Create something from nothing.
-Prosses on how an entrepreneurer works will always change.
-Running a business you'll have to lean to do many different things you've never done before.
-No matter how good you do in the business world you will have to sacrifise things. (friends/ family)
-Always lead the way with not only your business but for your employees.
-Real world is always changing.
-More relaxed you are the better you will be.
-Always put yourself as the customer to your product.
-Start planning before you start anything.
-Always write your plan down.
-Partner's can go either way from good or bad.
-Don't do something you don't like.
-Always know what the competion is doing so you can seperate yourself from the next.
-Always make good impressions.
-Read lot's so you don't make as many mistakes.
-Problem's aren't enemies they're an opportunity.
-Get a mentor. It becomes a copliment to them.
-Being in the loving people business.
-When you care about people they will notice.
-If you get into their feelings then you will suceed.
-Get people to love you.
-If your the boss you should be prepared to do the dirty jobs the lowest guy does.
-Create pleasure in the business for the employee.
-Most of your life will be at work so make it enjoyable.
-Business has to have fun in it to keep everyone going at top shape.
-Let go of some things so things don't work against you.
-Keep business as business and friendship as friendship.
-Stand corrected.
-Not heatly at all to be angry.
-To make money you have to count it and see where it all goes so you can keep track.
-Learn how to read a balance sheet and a financial statement.
-Keep your money or invest don't spend much money on this you won't get much back on.
-Don't try to make money try to do good at something and the money will come.
-Ask yourself sometimes if your on the right path.
-Business is an adventure.
-Little things make a difference.
-Know your why
-Don't be a me2
-Read biographies.
-Give more then what they expect.
-Stay humble.
-Create fun.
-Live within your needs.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mr. Bobble

-He satyed hard with what he wants.
-The guy doesnt seem to sure of his company.
-He tried for way to much.
-He was called greedy a lot.
-"If its difficult at the front its going to be difficult in the end."

Monday, November 29, 2010


-Teen's spent over 100 billion dollars last year.
-last year teen's got their parents to spend 50 billion dollars last year.
-"The world's made of marketing".
-"Teens run the economy now".
-Blizards of brands.
-You have to know what your taget market is thinking.
-Can't stop cool changing.
-Spite was selling a lifestyle with there marketing skills in the 90's.
-Sprite is now the fastest growing soft drink in the world.
-Sprite is a maketing genius.
-Teen market is 32 million people strong.
-Be different to stand out.

-They're working on selling to teens. The market for adults is down because of all the focus on teens.
-I believe its steering us as teen to do or be certain things.
-If you lower your target market then you gain more compition and customers.


-Acet welding program
-Baseball accademy
-Hockey accademy
-China trip, Mexico (build houses), Europe.
-Good plays.
-Impressive building

Sucess isn't a resting spot, its a journey

Triple S for sucess
free to suceed
Top notch ed

Friday, November 26, 2010

Ray Kroc (MD's)

-Started McDalds.
-Born in 1902.
-Mom made extra money teching piano lessons.
-Lived in western Chicago.
-Mom made sure the house was always spotless.
-Ray began with a lemonaid stand out front of his house.
-When he was a teenager he wasn't thinking of school he was thinking of ways to make money.
-He was almost 16 and he joined the red cross for the army.
-In 1919 he quite school for good.
-"Ray was a born salesmen."
-He knew the power of a first impression.
-He had a "sqicky clean" image and this was good for first impression's.
-Work was everything to Ray.
-At 37 years old he quite selling paper cups.
-MacDonalds was an imediate success.
-They cut there time from 20 minutes to 30 seconds.
-Sales shot up 40% in 3 years.
-Do less and get more.
-52 years old when he first heers about MacDonalds.
-1955 Ray opened his first MaDonalds.
-Ray had a goal of 1,000 MacDonalds across the U.S.A.
-In 1957 Ray fell inlove with another women.
-In broke up with his wife after 39 years of marrige.
-His second wife he had only dated the wife for 2 weeks.
-Hambuger university was a training center for MacDonalds.
-Make your contracts clear.*
-MacDonalds always had very fuzy and heart warming adds.
-It was the first restraunt to go plublic on the stalk market.
-Payed for a baseball team in cash.
-Always was for value.
-1984 Ray was 81 years old he died of heart failure.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Robert Kysoki (Rich Dad Poor Dad)

-Rich dad made no money and his poor dad made lots of money.
-Socialist (equal), Capitalist. (unequal)
-His book sold over 26 million copies world wide.
-As a capitalist you don't make money.
-Dog eat dog world.
-I your a wimp you get shot down.
-Money is just a game to him and to others money is survival.
-The money game is the best game in the world.
-Education is the most important thing in life.
-Financial education is key.
-Make money in big business and hold money in realistate.
-Lost 4 business's in his life time but has gotten smarter every time.
-Asset it puts money into your pocket.
-Liability take money out of your pocket.
-Assets are more important then liabilities.
-Education is the most important investment anyone can make.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Negotiation (element bars)

-He makes energy bars that dont make you crash.
-Company sells 50,000 dollars a year but he rates his company at 1 million dollars.
-He got two offers that are totally different then he first offer. but he holds strong and and believe's in his business.
-You can always counter offer.
-Never take no as actually no.
-The first person to mention price looses.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Class Business's

Garage sale boys.
-Sell random item's to people on the streets.
-$500 sales.

Redline performance.
-Get parts for cost and sell for more.
-Profit of $415.

-Sold random items to people.
-Made $282.

Egg-Zima Eggs.
-Sold eggs from there chickens.

-Did peoples nails

-put up christmas lights for the elderly.

Gutter boys.
-cleaned out gutters for cash.

-Sold and fixed computers

-Ran aaron's for people who called in.
-Sell roses for charity.

If you use the people around you it can help out a ton.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Your own problems and solutions

-All the dumb parents in the morning who dont know how to drive in the school parking lot.
Solution- Have two seperate lanes. One for driving out and one for picking up/ droping off.

-The constrution all around the school which causes a huge traffic mess.
Solution- They could do all the work around here in the summer before school. Or they can do their work after school is out.

-All the people on the highway that are in the fast lane but go the same speed as the people in the slow lane.
Solution- They should enforce the fast lane as just a passing lane more.

-The old people driving that pretty much can't anymore.
Solution- Once you reach a certain age you have to take another road test.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


-China is dominated the production of almost everything now.
-Soon we will see pretty much everything will be built in China.
-They're more "western" developed now in there production.

-Always have something that people will rememeber when they leave in your store.
-There is so much clutter on the market so you have to make yourself unique.
To make people know about your brand you have to do something that your compeditors arn't doing.

-Im a very compeditive person when it comes to sports.
-I like to work hard and ern myself lots of money to get ahead of others.

-I want to famous for my prestigious houses I build.

-Ralf Liftshitz changed hes name to Ralfe Lauren so it wouldnt sounds bad for his brand name.
What is personal branding?
What do you do?
Who are you?
What makes you different?

What a personal brand does?
You are different.
You are supirior.
You are authentic.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Seth Godin "Everything is Broken"

-If he thinks its broken its broken.
-There are tons of things that just don't add up.
-Some shoes arn't meant for comfort (what shoes are supossed to be used for) its used for looks.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Seth Godin

-Sliced bread invented in 1910 for the first 15 years no one wanted it.
-Ideas that spread win.
-Tv made marketing easy.
-Coke Japan comes out with a new product every three weeks.
-There is now less time but more choices.
-To sell something it has to be remarkable. "Its worth making a remark about."
-It has to be unique.
-To be unique means you stand out.
-Is it remarkable?
-Design rules.
-Safe is risky cuz everybody's doing it.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Home Depot

-Every 43 hours a new home depot is built.
-"Agent Orange"
-They thought of the plan in a coffee shop.
-"If you can't make money it won't work out well."
-Athur's dad died when he was 15 of a heart attack.
-1978 Home depot was born.
-Ken Lagone was a major part of the starting of Home Depot.
-Ken Lagone was also a major investor in Handy Dan.
-Bernie Arthur And Ken started Home Depot.
-Ross Bero spent 2 million dollars to own 70% of Home Depot.
-June 22nd Home Depot opened.
-They slowly built up customers.
-Customers told people about it which drew in other customers.
-Athur was the money guy and Bernie was the hands on customers helper guy.
-In Home Depot's first year it had lost over 1 milllion dollars.
-By the end of year two it had almost mad a million dollars.
-"We were the evolution."
-It grew faster the Walmart.
-1984 it was on the stolk market for the first time.
-1986 Home depot toped 1 billion dollars.
-Home Depot sponsered the olympics.
-Arthur Blank 1.3 billion.
-Burnie Markus 1.6 billion.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Important facts for Business

Never stop after failure.
Jump at opportunities.
Know what you want.
Don't do it for the money.
Stick to your goals.
Use your network.
Have a back up plan.
Don't burn bridges.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hedgehog Concept

A hedgehod concept is for either a personb or a company of some sort that finds something that they are the best at and they just focus on doing that the best always and to make it they're main thing.

My headgehog concept
-Im close to the top at laying down mdf in the school.
Chilliwack's headgehog concept
-Chilliwack is known for our farming and are corn.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kevin O'Leary

-He believes he's the merchant of truth.
-Grew up in Montreal.
-He was grew up in middle class.
-Moved around a lot around the world.
-His dad made him what he is.
-First job was magoo icecream.
-He was fired when he was a kid and that was the last time he ever worked for anyone.
-He's on the show named "Dragon's dead".
-"Money rules my life and im ok with it."

Brett Wilson

-From Saskatwenan
-Loves Canadian art.
-He has great brain power.
-He got devorsed on the same day he found out he had cancer.
-He sacrifised family for wealth.
-"Wealth can create opportunities to change someones life".
-Sucess is based on happiness.

Jim Treliving

-Has always been busy.
-He's an ex-cop.
-Dad ran a business as a barber.
-Joined the RCMP at age 19.
-He's dad was very careful with his money.
-Worked very hard at the begining of the Boston Pizza.
-Lives in Vancouver.
-The harder he worked the more sucessful he got.

Arlene Dickinson

-Very heart felt person.
-To make money you earn it.
-Owns three holms.
-Grew up very poor.
-Had actually no money.
-Very good at marketing.

Robert Herjavec

-Computer security service is he's job.
-"You are shaped by your experiences".
-Auntie and Uncle raised him.
-Poor financially.
-Was very loved as he was growing up.
-Dad went to jail a lot.

   I learn't that the people on Dragon's Den have very different personalities. They probably all don't like eachother in real life because they all have different views on life or happiness. I also learn't that everyone is different and that people all want different things. People are happy in all there different ways.

   I'm going to find out what my view on happiness and to set my goal to it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Jason Bergen

-He owns part of money concepts
-Went to sardis secondary
-Didn't know what he was going to do when he was graduating
-Thought he was going to become a weather man
-Went to colledge for a year and a half while owning a business with he dad.
-Didn't want to be an employee he wanted to be the person who hired employee's
-Grew up in Chilliwack.
-He knew he had to start doing stuff he enjoyed
-Be nice to everyone because they could help you out later on it life
-If you dont have a goal you have nothing to drive for
-A goal without an action is just a daydream
-Most significant accomplishments are riddled with obstacles, struggles, and failures
-People can tell you what to do but your the only person who can actually get it done

One month goal
-My goal is to buy a car within a month.
Physical goal
-Start going to the gym again.
Financial goal
-Get into the next thousand dollars area from what i have right now.
Relationship goal
-Ask my girlfriend to prom
Educational goal
-Get A honours.
Dream goal
-Become a business owner myself.
How do I reward myself?
-Buy something for myself.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bad Experience Stories

-I had recently got my fudora hat dry cleaned and when i went to get it the form of it was no longer. It had been flattened and couldnt be put back to its normal possition.

-I should have gotten money for the hat or a new hat.

-But instead the guy was very rude to me and said sorry in not a very convincing tone of voice.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Steve Brouwer

-Started life growing up in a little hut in Nigeria.
-Born in Nigera.
-Lived in Nigeria for nine years.
-In some place in the world they dont have fancy things that we take for granted.
-Went to uiversity in merchigan.
-Half way through university decided he wanted to be something else.
-After student painters he started up a marketing business.
-Failure isn't a bad thing it helps you find your way back up.
-Its not about skill its about if you match up with your job.
-You can always change your job if you dont like it.
-Always learn how to do what you do better.
-There's always room for you to improved.
-After two years he started hes mortgage browker business.
-Just bought i new company in abby named drake mortgage.
-Make sure you can stand out from your compeditors.
-Be friends with your customers.
-Get to know your customers a people as themselves.
-If your customers feel that you care you will be sucesful.
-Set goals!
-Set yourself with high expectations.
-Don't be afraid to hire someone smarter then yourself.
-Rules can be bent.
-Common sence is huge.
-When your good at what you do markets dont matter.
Key factors for having a sucessful business
Hard work/stay possitive -if you love what you do it makes working hard easier
Don't give up/mistakes are ok
24hr. time rule
Customer loyalty
Learn to sell
Courteous/try to help everyone
Don't procrastinate
Surround yourself with good people
Family and friends
Count your blessings

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bill Gates

-He was very curious.
-He was very compeditive.
-Bill Gates was always driven to be the best.
-He went to lake side high school which was a very high accedemic school back then.
-After highschool he was accepted to Harvord.
-Bill gates on hes sinior year of Harvord dropped out to prosue hes dream to work on computer softwear.
-He loved to play poker. Poker is seemed to be a game that prepares the most for business.
-He is worth over 50 Biollion dollars now.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Top 100 BC Employers

Cactuc Club restaurants.
-They have the largest in house apprentiship programs for employees who wish to get Chef Red Seal Certificate.
-They pay you for a three year education leave up to three years.
-They maintain a very social culture at the restraurant. They encourage the people who work there to get to know eachother through sports teams and monthly employee gatherings.

Nintendo of Canada Ltd.
-Helps employees with retirment by contributions to their RSP plan.
-Onsite yoga classes.
-Nintendo is a very casual company.
-Nintendo is world wide.

-Encourages employee's to do more schooling/studies. They give they're emplyee's up to $9000 per year.
-At sertain branches they have theme days. (casual day, jeans, day, whatever day).
-HSBC is across BC.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Dave Thomas

Task master.
Born in 1932 in the middle of the great depression.
Mom died when he was young.
Him and hes father ate every dinner every day at a restrant.
He learnt what good food and happy families were like because of where he ate everyday.
He had trouble growing up.
He always had a vision of what he wanted to do when he was older.
He was a confident and cocky guy.
Always working.
Worked as hard as he could and as much as he could.
Hard work would solve all problems.
Millionaire in the 60's!!
Marketing genius.
Drive threw was made by him and it instently increased hes profits by 50%.
Always believed in hes product.
Droped out of school at 15.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mr. Mike Kind

-Fear of failure.
Ket to sucess.
-Eyes wide open.
Oportunities will find you. You may miss them if your eye's arn't open.
-Copy cat.
Find something thats being done already and do it better.
-Circle of influence.
Always ask people if there's room to improve.
-Never give up.
There will be tough times just be ready for them and never give up through them.
-Never stop learning.
There is tons of opportunities around us always that you should always take advantage of.
-Fun everyday
Surround yourself with things and people that you enjoy and like to just hangout with.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Money From Nothing

JCL golf balls
-They swam into ponds at golf courses and got golf balls out of them and sold the balls to people.
Cans for cash
-They went door to door and asked for cans and brought them to the recyclers and got money for the cans.
Auto exposition advertising
-Put advertisements on parts of your cars for money.
Holy shirts and pants
-Took left over clothes and sold them to people.
KJA home and car services
-Help people around the house.
Ticket Scalping
-Sell tickets to people.
Bedtime Childcare
-Offer time for babysitting.
Scratch n' sniff dog walking
-Walk dog's for money.
Erran Runners
-Attempted to run errans for the elderly.
Green enterprizes
-Installed stereo systems and computer work was done and sold muffins and coffee
JJF fire wood
-Cut up fire wood and sold to people.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Picking a winner

What do I really like to do?
-I like to play hockey. -coach hockey. -Run a school.
-I like to make money.
-I like to drive cars. -Race cars. -Sell cars.
-I like construction. -Build houses. -Sell houses. -Sell land. -Develope land.
-I like wood work. -Logger. -Furniture building. -Teach wood work.
What am i good at?
-Im good at construction. -Build houses. -Sell houses. -Sell land. -Develope land.
-Im good at wood work. -Logger. -Furniture building. -Teach wood work.
-Im good at making money.
-Im good at saving up. -Bank.
-Im good at my jobs. -
What market need do i see?
-Limo's, dresses and tuxido's all for prom. -Organize limo's rides for people. -have a tuxido store. -Have a dress store.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Kelly Johnston

-Owner of Sutton reality.
-Its good to know your strength's and your weakness's.
-Once you set your goals you must put a dead line on your goals.
-Once one goal has been achived make another one and make sure its harder and more reroading then the last.
-Never make people stressed out about money.
-Money is just a thing.
-Love what you do.
-If you focus on something and you beleve in what you want it will come around.
-Focus on your dreams.
-When things go wrong if your on top you get the blame but if your on top and things go right you get all the glory.
-Make your ups and downs not as steep.
-You can only garentee what you do.
-You can't do anything about things out of your reach.
-Dont look in the past all the time. Learn from the past but don't focus on the past.
-Your in control of your own rudder.
-Always created good relationships and actually care about what you've done.
-Decide on a goal and go get it.
-Always look to the next step in what you doing.
-There are different ways of sucess.
-To be sucessful doesn't mean you have tons of money.
-When you focus you can suceed so much easier in what your focusing.
-You can learn from every mistake you make.
-Don't be a bone head.
-Goal setting is huge!
-Sucess isn't a resting spot its a journey!
-Be creative in business.
-Focus and the what not the how.
-The how will come.
-The why is the biggest thing on the what and the how.
-There's always a way to make money.
-Money is always good.
-No matter what you do always creat a win win situation.
-If its not negitive its not news.
-Forget the past and focus on the future.
-There's no get rich quick.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chad Hurley

   Chad Hurley is the co-finder of the website youtube. He's 30 years old and he's networth is 300 million dollars. He was rated third overall on the top young entrepreneurs list.  In June 2006, he was voted 28th on business 2.0's 50 people who matter now list.  In October 2006 he and Steve Chen sold youtube for 1.76 billion dollars to google. He is one of the richest 30 years in the world.

Young Entrepreneurs

Evan Williams (Twitter)
Lets people feel more connected to others.
It can let people know whats going around the world because of the updates people right.

No formula. They take in anyone with good idea's
20 percent of your time working at google go to what you think would be good for the company.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Hunks hauling junk/college foxes packing boxes

Both companies came up with very cool logo's which i think would drw people in and check to see what the company is about. Both companies have very knowledge able websites. I would rather invest my money into college hunks hauling junk because its already a secessful business so that proves that it works. Im not sure I would invest my money into something that hasn't been tried yet or proven that it works yet. The college foxes packing boxes company could become a big company but it might not be worth the risk.


The owner of Facebook the multy billion dollar company constantly going to new markets. he was always setting new goals for himself to accomplish. First was Harvord, then other colleges, then high schools, then adults. He kept raising the bar. He has created a culture of openess through people. People are addicted with his company and all he makes hes money on is advertisezment.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Every problem is an opportunity

Open your eyes to problems
every problem is an opportunity for a creative solution.
problems bring em on!
intersection of your skills, market need and passion
willing to fail... make a resume of failures
build a relationship... for the long-term
prioritze. (one page business plan) and re-evaluate constantly
Teams. Make everyone else successful. The more you give- the more you get it.
never miss an opportunity to be fabulous! do my best work now1
you control your attitube. ( mba story... it wont fix your problem)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Arnold Swarzenegger

   Arnold Swarzenegger always had new goals and always had a plan b if something didn't work out. He had confedence pooring out him which drove him to sucess. Once he accomplished a goal he would move right on to aother. He made sure that what he did was what he was passionate about and that if he ended up doing that every day it would be something he enjoyed. he had to "face the wave" of people that had dought in him in the movie business because of hes unique shape and hes acsent. He also had mentors to help him through things and to help him to where he always wanted to be; the top.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


   Discerning is the abbility to acess what's going on around you. If you don't know all of what's going around you can miss opportunities that coud lead you to sucess. Also if you don't know what's going on around you, you may make a mistake that was obvious to others.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Who am I?

My srength's as a person
Achiver- I'm always looking for something to try to be the best at.
*Competition- I go by a saying in my life and its "Anything short of victory is failure". i have to be the best.
Futureristic- I always try and determine what im going to be doing in the future.
Ideation- Every idea is a good one and can be prosused.
Siginifiance- I always need to be seen if I feel im doing something good. I will be recongnized because I will get to the top of what im doing.

My parents
Compotition- they thought i always had to be the best and win.
Ideation- the thought I go through with my idea's.
Hard worker- i get the things that have to be done done with and over good.
Smart worker- they thought i do things well in a sufisient amount of time.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Richard Branson

   Richard Branson always has idea's on how he can suceed in different things. he says if you can run one company you can run any company. Life is one whole learning prosse and you have to take risk's to make it a great prosse. Richard Brandson says that there is a very big line between sucess and failure. you learn from all your mistakes in your learning prosse. To be sucessful in life and business you have to treat people well and people will come back for more. He belives all you have in life is your reputation.

 -how you treat others counts.
-courage: willness to yourself at risk
-value added
-leap into the unknown
-willing to serve others
-calculated risk
-everything is negotiable
-pick on someone bigger then you
-look for Co's with lack for money

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Face The Wave

   To be sucessful you must face the waves. The waves are problems; like people who want you to fail, the people working against you, and the ways you have to get to where you want to be. There are tons of possibilities in life but with those possibilities you must face the wave of things that try to bring you down.

   If you never face the wave nothing will get done. To do anything there will always be difficulties and problems. These difficulties and problems are the wave you must face.

   People face waves everyday. You are givin challenges that your needed to concer and those are your waves. Everyone has different challenges in life and some do good but some do different. The people that do good are those who have face the wave and concerd it.

Embrace The Risk

   To get to the top you have to take risks. If you don't take risk's you won't be able to move up towards the top. You will always stay in one spot instead of moving forward, if risk's arn't taken.

   You can take risk's, you might fail but you might get on top with the risk. If you fail with the risk you took you know not to do the same again and to do something different. If you take risk and you come out on top with sucess then you'll be rewarded with what you want.

   When you start something you will begin at the bottom and try your best to be the best. To be the best you have to do something to get there you just can't be at the top for doing nothing. All the somethings that you do to make what your doing the best are risk's.